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Second place at hackathon of Spanish Startups

Foto del escritor: Marina Chavarria GonzalezMarina Chavarria Gonzalez

oct. 2020 - Spanish Startups

At the Hackathon de Spanish Startups we won second place with a price of 1500€ with our project CodeBox. CodeBox is an augmented reality programming tool for children between 8-12 years old, where you can program objects with a block system and then see what you had programmed in augmented reality. Our objective with these gameapp is involve children and people into their own education.

This gameapp let everyone program whatever object finds in the game wiht simple and visual code blocks. But what's special about our app is 2 things.

Firstly, our game can be represented in the real world with Augmented reality, so, if you program a car for example, you can represent the car in the real world, and see it moving with your code.

Secondly, our game has an special touch in education, so teacher in class, or parents, or the community, will be able to create "levels" with objectives, or rooms, to connect with each other and develop in class, or home, different solutions to different problems.

It also comes with different vision modes. So for example you can activate physics viewmode and you will be able to see the forces that are applying all objects, or you can activate maths viewmode, and see angles of the objects on the scene.

Try the game here.

The project was made with: Pol Serra Farré, Joan Ortiga Balcells, Julia Blasco Allepuz and me, Marina Chavarria Gonalez.

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